Ch. 27: Blogs, Wikis, and Social Networks

  • Differentiate between internal and external audiences
    • Internal audiences don't require as much explanation as external audiences
    • Internal audiences will want straightforward content
    • External audiences may know little about the topic and require more information
  • Understand how to write for blogs and wikis
    • Blogs
      • Internal blogs are an alternative to emails in the workplace
      • They are useful for collaborating and solving problems- using a forum to discuss solutions
      • External blogs are useful for getting customer feedback and enhancing marketing and PR
    • Wikis
      • Internal wikis provide employees with information about a project or topic and allows them to update the content
      • External wikis allow people to use and update content specific to their expertise
    • Write differently for internal and external audiences
    • Pay attention to your tone
    • Check entries for credibility 
  • Recognize different types of social networks
    • Connecting people to each other and sites of mutual interests
      • Facebook
      • MySpace
      • LinkedIn
      • Twitter
      • YouTube
      • Flickr
  • Understand uses of social networks for workplace communication
    • Can be used for
      • Outreach and marketing campaigns
      • Measuring customer behavior
    • Be friendly, but professional
    • Stay focused
    • Be discreet
  • Consider the legal and ethical implications of these media
    • Online media provides opportunities for information abuse
    • Beware of stealth marketing and paid-for product reviews
    • Follow the policies within a company that govern social networks
  • Understand how these media are changing the ways we work and learn
    • This class is an example of how learning is changing in that we are required to write a blog for each chapter.

Ch. 26: Web Pages

  • Identify audience and purpose for Web pages
    • Decide who the primary readers will be and what sort of information they will be looking for
    • Use questions and links to address readers' main concerns
  • Understand what readers expect from Web pages
    • Accessibility
    • Worthwhile content
    • Sensible arrangement 
    • Clean, crisp page design
    • Good use of visuals and special effects
  • Write appropriate Web-based content
    • Use chunking
    • Use a readable style
    • Short sentences
    • Short paragraphs
    • Write in a a factual, neutral tone
    • Keep interactive features in mind
    • Most web pages are globally accessible 
  • Design a basic Web page
    • F-shaped reading pattern 
    • Use plenty of white space
    • Large margins
    • Unjustified right margin
    • Use links
    • Consistent style
    • Underlining is not used for emphasis- only hyperlinks
    • Use effective visuals
    • Balanced colors
  • Identify software used for creating Web pages
    • Word- basic basic web pages
    • Dreamweaver an NVU for more complex pages
  • Recognize the role of teams in Web design
    • Teams are used to create websites because of the many different areas involved in making a successful site. 
  • Create Web pages for intercultural audiences
    • Use clear and simple English to make translation easier
    • Don't make cultural references
    • Have different language options
    • Use appropriate colors and visuals
  • Legal Considerations
    • Everything is copyrighted so don't copy/paste without permission
    • Use copyright-free visuals
    • Large amounts of personal information is stored on the web- create privacy statements

Ch. 25: Oral Presentations and Webinars

  • Analyze your audience and purpose
    • Talks may be designed to inform, instruct, persuade, or all three
  • Select the type of presentation you want to make
    • Oral Presentations
      • Advantages
        • Interactive
        • Use body language
        • Allows for give and take
        • You can adjust to your audience's reactions
      • Disadvantages
        • Written reports allow you time to think about what you're saying and how you're saying it
        • One attempt for an oral report
        • Limited in complexity
        • You can lose listeners
      • Things to avoid
        • no eye contact
        • hiding behind a lectern
        • fidgeting
        • rambling
        • too much material
        • nonexistent visuals
        • visuals that are difficult to see
        • visuals that are difficult to interpret
        • settings that are too noisy, hot, cold, large, small, bright, or dark
      • Select a Type of Presentation
        • Informative
        • Training/ Instructional
        • Persuasive
        • Action Plan
        • Sales
      • Select a Delivery
        • Memorized
        • Impromptu
        • Scripted
        • Extemporaneous
  • Choose the appropriate technology
  • Perform research, write an outline, prepare visuals
    • Research your topic
    • Aim for simplicity
    • Anticipate questions
    • Outline the presentation
      • Introduction
      • Body
      • Conclusion
  • Create audience-friendly slides using presentation software
    • Tables
    • Graphics
    • Charts
    • Illustrations
    • Diagrams
    • Create a presentation story board
    • Be realistic about your visuals
    • Be selective
    • Use presentation software like powerpoint or Prezi
      • Don't rely too heavily on technology
      • Have a backup plan
      • Balance text and visuals
      • Keep it simple
      • End with a conclusions/ questions slide
  • Deliver your presentation
    • Rehearse
    • Check on the setting
    • Build a relationship with your audience
    • Guide listeners
    • Plan how you will use on- computer visual aids
  • Understand how and when to use webinars or slide sharing tools
    • Webinars allow for presentations through the internet
    • Changes in time zones prevent some people from being present for a webinar
    • Slide sharing is better in these cases because someone can view the presentation later and they can edit it

Ch. 24: Proposals

  • Understand the persuasive purpose of proposals
    • Proposals are meant to persuade an audience to take an action
      • authorize a project
      • accept a service or product
      • support a specific plan for solving a problem 
      • improving a situation
  • Understand the expectations of people who read proposals
    • Decision makers want to know
      • What the problem or need is
      • Why they should spend time, money, effort
      • What your plan is
      • Why they should accept the costly items in your plan
      • What action they are supposed to take
  • Differentiate between solicited and unsolicited proposals
    • Solicited proposals are requested by a manager, customer, or client
    • Unsolicited proposals have not been requested by anyone
  • Differentiate between formal and informal proposals
    • Formal proposals have the same format as a formal report
    • Informal proposals are in email or memo format
  • Understand the different functions of planning, research, and sales proposals
    • Planning proposal
      • offers solutions to a problem or suggestions for improvement
    • Research proposal
      • requests approval/ funding for a study
    • Sales proposal
      • offers services or products
      • solicited or unsolicited
  • Write a proposal
    • Introduction
      • Statement of problem and objective/ project overview
      • Background and review of the literature
      • Need
      • Benefits
      • Qualifications of personnel
      • Data sources
      • Limitations and contingencies
      • Scope
    • Plan
      • Objectives and methods
      • Timetable
      • Materials and equipment
      • Personnel
      • Available Facilities
      • Needed facilities
      • Cost and budget
      • Expected results
      • feasibility
    • Conclusion
      • Summary of key points
      • Request for action
    • Works Cited

Ch. 23: Formal Analytical reports

  • Appreciate the role of formal analytical reports in the workplace
    • Formal analytical reports can answer these questions:
      • What do we know?
      • What conclusions can we make?
      • What action or inaction should we consider?
  • Understand the role of audience and purpose for such reports
    • Formal reports are typically written for decision makers
    • The writer needs to know who will be reading the report
    • The purpose of the report is determined by the questions it ultimately answers
  • Identify three major types of analyses: causal, comparative, and feasibility
    • Causal Analysis:  Answers questions about why something happens
    • Comparative Analysis: Compares competing items based on specified criteria
    • Feasibility Analysis: Determines if an idea or plan is practical
  • Know the criteria for sound analytical reasoning
    • The problem or purpose is clearly defined
    • There is a correct amount of data
    • The data that is used is accurate and balanced so readers can make an informed decision
    • That significance and meaning of that same data has been fully explained
    • Personal bias is excluded
    • Good visuals are included
    • There are valid conclusions and recommendations
    • Understand that things might go wrong in an analysis and you should be prepared adjust as necessary
  • Identify the parts that typically accompany a long report (front matter and end matter)
    • In this order:
      • Letter of transmittal- acknowledges those who helped, points readers to certain sections, discusses any limitations of the study, or urges readers to take action
      • Title page
      • Table of contents
      • List of tables and figures
      • Abstract
      • Text of the report
      • Glossary (if necessary)
      • Appendices (if necessary)
      • Works Cited page

Ch.22: Informal Reports

  • Understand the role and purposes of informal reports
    • For every formal report made, there are countless informal reports
    • Informal reports help people make decisions in different areas
    • Most often a memorandum
  • Differentiate between informal and formal reports
    • Informal reports 
      • don't require extended planning
      • are created quickly
      • contain little/ no background information
      • no front or end matter supplements (title page, table of contents)
  • Differentiate between informational and analytical reports
    • Informational reports answer basic questions
    • Analytical reports offer information, interpretations, and conclusions
  • Write informational reports
    • Progress reports
      • Choose between email and memo
      • Use clear subject line
      • Present information efficiently
      • Anticipate/ answer questions
    • Activity reports
      • Email or memo
      • Clear subject line with time frame
      • Chunk information using headings, bullets, and lists
    • Trip reports
      • Take notes
      • State the exact trip and include dates
      • Record names of people/places
      • Note times/location
    • Meeting Minutes
      • Take notes
      • Complete immediately after meeting
      • Clear title and date
      • List all attendees
      • Describe all agenda items
      • Record all decisions
      • Proofread
  • Write analytical reports
    • Feasibility reports
      • Clear subject line
      • Provide necessary background
      • Offer the recommendation early
      • Follow up with details and data
      • End with a call to action
    • Recommendation reports
      • Clear subject line
      • Brief background
      • Summarize the situation
      • Be authoritative
      • Be informative
      • List benefits of taking action
    • Peer review reports
      • Begin with positives
      • Organize by topic
      • Constructive criticism
      • Support your critique with examples and advice
      • Close positively
    • Justification reports
      • State the problem/ recommended solution
      • Explain how to implement your plan
      • Encourage the reader to act

Ch.21: Instructions and Procedures

  • Know how instructions and procedures are used in the workplace
    • Procedures are used so that all members of a particular group follow the same steps for a task
    • Responsible jobs require you to write and read instructions
  • Recognize the various formats for hard-copy instructions
    • Manuals
    • Brief reference cards
    • Instructional brochures
    • Hyperlinked instructions
    • Online instructions
  • Understand how instructions have serious legal implications
    • Failure to instruct and caution users in the proper use of a product
    • Failure to warn against the hazards from proper use of a product
    • Failure to warn against the possible misuses of a product
    • Failure to explain a product's benefits and risks in language that average consumers can understand
    • Failure to convey the extent of risk with forceful language
    • Failure to display warnings prominently 
  • Compare the benefits of print, digital, online, and video instructions
    • Digital and Online
      • PDFs allow instructions to be accessed online
      • Instructional CDs
    • Video
      • Allows people to see the full range of actions required
  • Write a set of Instructions
    • Elements of Effective Instructions
      • Clear and limiting title
      • Informed content
      • Visuals
      • Appropriate level of detail and technicality
      • Logically ordered steps
      • Notes and hazard notices
      • Readability
      • Effective Design
    • Outline for instructions
      • Introduction
      • Required steps
      • Conclusion
  • Understand how procedures differ from instructions
    • Instructions show a person how to perform a task
    • Procedures show someone who knows how to perform the task, how to follow accepted practice
  • Write a set of procedures
    • Procedures aren't always used for sequential actions and may not require numbers
    • They are used to streamline a set of actions in an organization