Ch.21: Instructions and Procedures

  • Know how instructions and procedures are used in the workplace
    • Procedures are used so that all members of a particular group follow the same steps for a task
    • Responsible jobs require you to write and read instructions
  • Recognize the various formats for hard-copy instructions
    • Manuals
    • Brief reference cards
    • Instructional brochures
    • Hyperlinked instructions
    • Online instructions
  • Understand how instructions have serious legal implications
    • Failure to instruct and caution users in the proper use of a product
    • Failure to warn against the hazards from proper use of a product
    • Failure to warn against the possible misuses of a product
    • Failure to explain a product's benefits and risks in language that average consumers can understand
    • Failure to convey the extent of risk with forceful language
    • Failure to display warnings prominently 
  • Compare the benefits of print, digital, online, and video instructions
    • Digital and Online
      • PDFs allow instructions to be accessed online
      • Instructional CDs
    • Video
      • Allows people to see the full range of actions required
  • Write a set of Instructions
    • Elements of Effective Instructions
      • Clear and limiting title
      • Informed content
      • Visuals
      • Appropriate level of detail and technicality
      • Logically ordered steps
      • Notes and hazard notices
      • Readability
      • Effective Design
    • Outline for instructions
      • Introduction
      • Required steps
      • Conclusion
  • Understand how procedures differ from instructions
    • Instructions show a person how to perform a task
    • Procedures show someone who knows how to perform the task, how to follow accepted practice
  • Write a set of procedures
    • Procedures aren't always used for sequential actions and may not require numbers
    • They are used to streamline a set of actions in an organization

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