Ch. 25: Oral Presentations and Webinars

  • Analyze your audience and purpose
    • Talks may be designed to inform, instruct, persuade, or all three
  • Select the type of presentation you want to make
    • Oral Presentations
      • Advantages
        • Interactive
        • Use body language
        • Allows for give and take
        • You can adjust to your audience's reactions
      • Disadvantages
        • Written reports allow you time to think about what you're saying and how you're saying it
        • One attempt for an oral report
        • Limited in complexity
        • You can lose listeners
      • Things to avoid
        • no eye contact
        • hiding behind a lectern
        • fidgeting
        • rambling
        • too much material
        • nonexistent visuals
        • visuals that are difficult to see
        • visuals that are difficult to interpret
        • settings that are too noisy, hot, cold, large, small, bright, or dark
      • Select a Type of Presentation
        • Informative
        • Training/ Instructional
        • Persuasive
        • Action Plan
        • Sales
      • Select a Delivery
        • Memorized
        • Impromptu
        • Scripted
        • Extemporaneous
  • Choose the appropriate technology
  • Perform research, write an outline, prepare visuals
    • Research your topic
    • Aim for simplicity
    • Anticipate questions
    • Outline the presentation
      • Introduction
      • Body
      • Conclusion
  • Create audience-friendly slides using presentation software
    • Tables
    • Graphics
    • Charts
    • Illustrations
    • Diagrams
    • Create a presentation story board
    • Be realistic about your visuals
    • Be selective
    • Use presentation software like powerpoint or Prezi
      • Don't rely too heavily on technology
      • Have a backup plan
      • Balance text and visuals
      • Keep it simple
      • End with a conclusions/ questions slide
  • Deliver your presentation
    • Rehearse
    • Check on the setting
    • Build a relationship with your audience
    • Guide listeners
    • Plan how you will use on- computer visual aids
  • Understand how and when to use webinars or slide sharing tools
    • Webinars allow for presentations through the internet
    • Changes in time zones prevent some people from being present for a webinar
    • Slide sharing is better in these cases because someone can view the presentation later and they can edit it

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