Chapter 6: An Overview of the Technical Writing Process

  • Identify unique aspects of the technical writing process
    • Discussions with technical experts
    • Analysis of audience is critical
    • Complex relationships play an important role
    • Colleagues frequently collaborate 
    • Workplace documents are carefully reviewed before being released
    • Proper format is essential
    • Proper distribution is essential
  • Appreciate the role of critical thinking during that process
    • Critical thinking means testing the strength of ideas or the quality of the information.
    • Examine evidence and reasoning
    • Critical thinking occurs during each of the four steps:
      • Gathering and evaluating ideas/ information
      • Planning the document
      • Drafting the document
      • Revising the document
  • Follow one working writer through an everyday writing situation
    • Writing an evaluative report
    • Report will be read by his boss
    • The writer has to be candid without harming/ offending anyone
    • He has five days to write the report
  • Observe the steps in planning, drafting, and revising a document
    • He creates a draft and has that peer reviewed
    • The writer then plans the document and anticipates readers' questions
    • He lists the topics he touched on and rearranges that list\The writer creates another draft
    • This draft is revised and re-written to create a final version
  • Understand why proofreading is an important final step
    • Proofreading is used to detect these types of errors:
      • Sentence: fragments, comma splices, run-ons
      • Punctuation: missing apostrophes or excessive commas
      • Usage: it's vs. its, lay vs. lie, their vs. there
      • Mechanical: misspelled words, inaccurate dates, incorrect abbreviations
      • Format: missing page numbers, inconsistent spacing, incorrect form of documentation
      • Typographical: repeated/ missing words and letters, missing word endings, left-out quotation marks
    • Proofread more than once
    • Never rely solely on a computer
  • Appreciate the advantages and drawbacks of digital writing tools
    • Many digital tools and programs exist
      • outlining features
      • brainstorming/ storyboarding software
      • archiving software
      • presentation software
      • flowcharting and mapping software
      • programs that turn word processing documents into Web pages and PDF documents
      • tools that allow collaboration on a single document
      • systems that track changes
      • email, text messaging, and instant messaging
    • These tools are efficient but effective communication should rely on a deliberate process
    • We are the ultimate tool for critical thinking decisions that make these tools effective

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