Chapter 5: Teamwork and Global Considerations

  • Appreciate the role of teamwork in technical communication
    • Complex documents are usually collaborations
    • Technical writers often collaborate
    • In the digital age, people are able to collaborate across time zones and continents
    • The internet allows for teams to interact
  • Manage a team project and run a successful meeting
    • Teamwork requires organization, cooperation, structure, and clear communication
    • Manage a Team Project
      • Choose a group manager
      • Define a clear goal 
      • Determine which type of document are you creating
      • Divide tasks and give clear expectations for each
      • Create a timetable
      • Plan meetings
      • Establish a method for responding to work from other members
      • Establish a method for dealing with interpersonal problems
      • Prepare a management plan
      • Keep everyone up to date on progress
    • Run a Meeting
      • Set an agenda and circulate it prior to the meeting
      • Everyone should come prepared
      • Summarize minutes from the previous meeting
      • Everyone should speak
      • Stay on topic
      • Continue moving along
      • Don't lecture or dictate
      • Summarize
      • End on schedule
  • Help team members overcome personal differences
    • Personality, gender, and culture can all become sources of conflict between members
    • Everyone should be heard
    • Take opinions and feelings seriously
    • It's ok to disagree
    • Offer/ accept constructive criticism
    • Find something to agree on
    • When the group makes a decision, support it
    • Never attack anyone
  • Use listening skills and creative thinking in group settings
    • Listening Skills
      • Listen actively to avoid misunderstandings
      • Always assume you aren't listening enough
      • Don't dictate
      • Have an open mind
      • Be courteous
    • Thinking Creatively
      • Brainstorming, brainwriting, mind-mapping, and storyboarding are effective ways to get ideas out between group membes
  • Review and edit the work of your peers
    • Review for
      • Accuracy
      • Organization
      • Clarity
      • Use of visuals and page design
    • Edit by
      • rephrasing
      • clarifying
      • replacing words
      • correcting spelling, usage, or punctuation
    • Not all feedback has equal value
    • Be prepared to explain why you made the edits you did
  • Avoid unethical behavior as a team member
    • Don't intimidate
    • Don't take credit for others' work
    • Don't hoard information
  • Understand how to work productively on a global team
    • Use available technologies
      • email
      • project management software
      • instant messaging
      • groupware
      • digital whiteboard
      • blogs
      • teleconfrencing and videoconfrencing
    • Understand who your team members are
    • Humor, slang, and idioms don't always translate into other languages
    • Culture differences prevent some references
    • Use the right technology
    • Social cues don't always translate well digitally
    • Write with translation in mind
    • Create a glossary so everyone is using the same vocabulary
    • Agree on technical standards
    • Be respectful
    • Listen actively
    • Choose your words with care
    • Use visuals carefully

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