Ch. 18: Résumés and Other Job-Search Materials

  • Identify your personal assets as a job applicant
    • What skills can you offer to a potential employer?
  • Search for a job systematically
    • Make a plan
    • Focus your search
    • Use the internet
    • Network with people
  • Create an effective print résumé
    • Include
      • contact information
      • career objectives
      • education
      • work experience
      • personal data
      • references
    • Leave out
      • desired salary/ benefits
      • photographs
    • List relevant experience
    • Never lie about your credentials
    • Use quality paper
    • Always proofread!
    • Adapt your print  résumé for scanning, emailing, or posting online
      • Today, résumés are often submitted digitally
      • Make sure your résumé is scannable
      • Use standard print and avoid fancy highlighting
      • All text should be flush to the left margin
      • Save in "text only" or "rich text" format
      • Use keywords
      • If online, make sure the résumé can be downloaded quickly
    • Write an effective application letter
      • Develop a draft of the letter
      • Customize each letter
      • Never be vague and do not exaggerate
      • Be enthusiastic
      • Be concise
      • Make several drafts before settling
    • Prepare a dossier, portfolio, or webfolio
      • A dossier contains credentials
      • Portfolios and webfolios contain résumés and examples of your work
    • Succeed in a job interview
      • Don't show up unprepared
      • Make a positive first impression
      • Know the appropriate length for answers
      • Be friendly, attentive, and smile
      • Ask intelligent questions

    1 comment:

    1. a resume shows all you pros and cons, so you should be serious while writing this document! will help you to proofread your resume like a real professional!
